Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week

Fatigue Facts
of workers are identified to have multiple factors that could contribute to fatigue at work.
Of workplace injuries are linked to fatigue
Increase in injury risk when working long shifts (12 hrs). 18% greater for evening shifts and 30% greater for night shifts.
BILLION - Cost to employers for health-related lost productivity
Featured Training
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
10 AM – 11 AM CDT
FREE, live virtual training provided by the GHSC (Grain Handling Safety Council) and GEAPS (Grain Elevator Processing Society).
Guareenteed to NOT put you to sleep, Ellen Duysen, MPH, COHC, presents a lively discussion on how fatigue affects your health and safety at the workplace. Learn how much sleep you need, what happens when you don’t get enough sleep, and how sleep deficiency is linked to many chronic health problems. Walk away with some tips for improving your sleep habits and quality.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
2 PM – 3 PM CDT
FREE, live virtual training presented in Spanish provided by the GHSC (Grain Handling Safety Council) and GEAPS (Grain Elevator Processing Society).
Join Dr. Campabadal as he presents the afternoon Spanish language session on fatigue and how it affects your health and safety at the workplace. Morning content is adapted, as appropriate, to ensure it is relevant to the audience. Dr. Campabadal’s high energy, animated personality is sure to keep you awake during that afternoon period when many struggle with feeling tired and sluggish.
Helpful Tip
Register once! Select the virtual session(s) you want to attend during registration. Use the same zoom link for all sessions including Spanish Language sessions.
Meet Our Presenters!
Presenter – Ellen Duysen, MPH, COHC!
Ellen Duysen, MPH,COHC, is a Research Assistant Professor and Outreach Coordinator, for the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She coordinates outreach and training activities across a 7 state region, working closely with industry partners and interest groups and often serving as a lead trainer. Prior to her move into agricultural safety and health, Ellen worked as a microbiologist researcher and research coordinator and has authored or co-authored dozens of scientfic papers. Ellen and her family worked more than 20 years producing and marketing hogs, cattle, poultry, and sheep.
Presenter – Carlos Campabadal!
(Espanol – biografia) Dr. Carlos Campabadal, PhD, is a faculty member at Kansas State University Department of Grain Science and Industry. He is an extension specialist at the International Grains Program Institute (IGP) focusing on outreach in the areas of grain storage, quality and processing, U.S. grain grading and export systems, and feed manufacturing. He leads the Stored Product Protection Research group and is State Extension Leader of the Feed Technology group. Dr. Campabadal is active in international development with USAID and USDA in Central America and Africa. He has traveled throughout Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe as a technical consultant, translator and speaker in the areas of grain storage and feed manufacturing. Born and raised in Costa Rica, Central America Carlos worked for his family farm operation and feed mill company in process and maintenance engineering and animal farm management (beef cattle and swine) prior to his academic career and remains involved in the family business. (See Full Bio).